- 1983
- 9″ X 18″
When those beautiful people who smiled so smugly from my TV set insisted that it was time I got actively involved in a Diet/Exercise Program, I got HOPPING mad and offered them this reply:
” I’m PUSHING 55, and every day I’m regularly engaged in PUNCHING the clock, SWIMMING in ignorance, DIVING into my work, JOGGING my memory, WRESTLING with my conscience, LEAPING to conclusions, BENDING over backward, and BENDING the rules.
“I’m SKIPPING lunch, but I’m CHEWING the fat, EATING my words, and SWALLOWING my pride. Afternoons I’m either WALKING around in circles or RUNNING with the crowd. I’m LIFTING my spirit, PUMPING up my ego, PADDLING my own canoe, STRETCHING my imagination, KICKING old habits, PULLING strings, SKATING on thin ice, PRESSING issues, REACHING my limit, TOUCHING base, EXERCISING my options, WEIGHING the outcome, and SWEATING it out!
AEROBICS ? ? Who needs it?”
(Written by IMA way back when she was still employed – February, 1986)