- 2013
- 14″ X 17″
The countenance that seems to show contentment
sometimes hides envy, bigotry or greed;
or smiling, grinning eyes shown unto others
oft mask a heart of hate, shield evil deeds.
False faces help to create the illusions
that some would have the world to judge them by,
while way down deep inside their hiding places,
their truest selves and darkest secrets lie.
A need to hide a fear, belie a danger,
or cover up depression, angst or pain,
can summon up a mask to hide the real self,
so others may not an advantage gain.
Sometimes to warrant sympathy or pity,
conjured tears seem normal, commonplace.
Desire to gain a confidence unworthy
could make a sickly grin transform the face.
Each one in time may wear a mask for comfort,
protecting tender selves from public view,
You can mislead, can be misled by others,
but ‘neath the mask the soul can speak the truth.
Be wary of the “face” designed to fool you;
search with your heart and disregard your head.
Examine thoroughly “face value”‘s meaning.
Behind the mask, seek out the soul instead.
An IMA Creation
July 11, 2003